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Richland's new well will be a state first

Article by Sheri Mohler

Excerpt from Washington Evening Journal - August 26, 2005


Richland Mayor Tom Robertson is pleased to announce that the city is installing a new municipal well slated for completion this fall.


Gaining approval for the new well was a major accomplishment because it will be the first plastic cased municipal well in the state of Iowa.


"This will open the door for other cities in Iowa to be able to make plastic cased wells," Robertson said.


Previously, wells had to have steel casing, so the DNR had to be convinced that plastic is a good idea.  Robertson said that City Council member Tom Hoekestra researched the use of wells with plastic casing in other states and presented the information to the Iowa DNR.


"We were also fortunate that Charles Kissler, who owns farm ground next to the well, sold some ground so we could meet the [size] requirements of DNR," said Robertson.


The old steel-cased Richland well was built in 1952 and according to Robertson, "its life is about used up."


"The new plastic cased well should last for over 100 years because it won't corrode like steel does," Robertson said.


The Mayor is also pleased that the engineer, Ed Brinton of MMS Consultants Inc. in Iowa City, is originally from Brighton.


Gingerich Well and Pump Service was awarded the bid for the new well.  Robertson said Gingerich is "the foremost well-driller in the state and is very experienced with plastic well casings."  


Gingerich Well & Pump Service

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