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The State of Iowa has numerous standards associated with various aspects of well construction. One of the newest developments is General Permit #6. GP6 is used when water associated with well construction will reach a Water of the United States. Gingerich Well Drilling has heavily invested in complying with these new regulations. Our equipment base includes solids control equipment, a vacuum tank, frac tanks, and reverse air drilling.


Our goal - any well, any where, any time.


While we do need to be able to get an equipment set to the drilling location, discharge is no longer a limiting factor in well site selection. Depending on site conditions, receiving water bodies, and budgets, we can limit or eliminate the need to discharge. Past drilling programs have allowed us to construct high capacity with little to no discharge. On one drill site we were able to construct and develop (4) 750 gpm wells with less than 25,000 gallons of clear water (20 Ntu) during the drilling and development phases.

Reverse-Air Drilling


Gingerich Well & Pump Service

Office Hours:  7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. M-F

Call Now: 1-800-356-2664
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